Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thankful Thursdays: 2nd Chances

Today I am thankful for 2nd chances.
It happened, as I knew it would. Christmas and the holiday festivities came and the chance to sit down and write got away from me. Thankfully, I believe in 2nd chances, and 3rd and 4th and 5th, for some things anyway. I've forgiven myself and will pick myself back up, dust off and try again, as I do with most things. Like, the healthy lifestyle I keep meaning to stick with, or this blog I want to write in everyday, or keeping the house tidy and the laundry kept up...I rarely get things right the 1st time, but that's ok, I guess that's just how I learn.
Thankfully my husband is a believer in 2nd chances too...or he wouldn't ever eat anything I made him...boy have I royally screwed up some meals! Ha Ha! I am thankfully that he not only took a 2nd shot at my cooking, but also a 2nd shot on love, even a 3rd time...we broke up twice in high school...though not for long periods of time. I just tend to be a bit wishy washy and can't ever make a decision. But thankfully, he gave me another chance. If he hadn't, I don't know where I'd be today. I do know where I am though and that is in the most loving and committed relationship with the most perfect man for me. Now we have our son and a beautiful and happy home. Many times we just sit and look at each other and say, "how did we get here"? In a good did we get to be so blessed? We aren't sure, but we don't let a day go by that we don't thank God for giving us a 2nd chance and a blessed life.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sweet Shot Tuesday - Christmas Candy

Since I was little, every Christmas I would make Christmas Candy with my mom. We made choclate covered pretzels, peanuts and peanut butter balls. Even though I no longer live close to home, I have carried on this tradition every year. I hope to one day do this with my children. This year, Jack was in the kitchen with me, in his bassinet...but my little helper none the less. Here are a few sweet shots of my little helper and the candy "we" made.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday, Monday

Monday is here. I have much to do today. Cleaning the house up after a celebration (for Jack's dedication) is 1st on the list, though it didn't get done first. Instead I'm busy working on photos, blogs and what I might make from my new favorite website Pinterest. *Sigh*. I really should get busy and at least clean the kitchen. Soon my little one is going to need to eat again. Didn't I just feed him? Yes, not even 3 hours ago. I guess I will rush to do it all after this next feeding. O well, his beautiful face makes this hectic day all worth it. At the end of the evening and after the last feeding of the day, I should sleep, but all I can seem to do is stare at his beautiful face. I do not feel guilty about this time wasted, because it isn't time wasted. These are moments I'll never have again, at least with him. So I'm not going to worry about the messy house and the Christmas gifts I still haven't purchased or the Thank you cards I still need to write. Maybe I'll do them tomorrow...or maybe the next. Anyway, the most important person in my life doesn't care about any of that, he would rather I hold him. And that's what I plan to do. <3, J

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A New Chapter

Today I discovered, or should I say re-discovered the world of blogging. A year ago I had decided that what I wanted to do was to blog everyday. I believe I began my 1st post by saying I was going to try and write everyday. I knew that wouldn't happen, but I thought it was worth trying anyway. I am now making that promise...again. When will I ever learn? This couldn't be WORSE timing to start a new October my husband and I were blessed with our very 1st miracle, a baby boy named Jack. I supposed however, that he is the very reason for this blog and possibly better motivation. I would like to have something to remember these years because as everyone says, they go by all too quickly. So as I embark on this journey, I make this promise once again: I am going to TRY and post a blog, even if it is just a picture or a short note, everyday. For me, for him, for us. ♥,J